

压缩空气中含有水蒸气,主要是因为它在整个压缩空气管道中移动而冷却并凝结成水的冷凝物。这种冷凝物会提高维修规格并影响物品质量。以下选项列表中您可以选择合适的 压缩空气干燥机系统 :   冷冻式空气干燥器   冷冻式干燥机是出售给大多数压缩空气软件的。这一系列的冷冻气流干燥器,从 10 到 12,500 scfm 开始,用于各种程序。   干燥剂空气干燥器   干燥剂干燥器为软件提供极其干燥的空气,在这些软件中,过程或大气方法恰好非常了解潮湿,暴露在极低的环境温度范围内。露水水平可能低至 -100°F 。干燥剂材料将处理压缩大气中的水分含量,直到它实际上达到其最高容量,在这一点上它必须被再生。   膜式干燥器   膜式干燥器提供了一个基本和可靠的方法,将压缩氧气干燥到露水细节只有 -40°F ,并降低日常维护费用。 like: 压缩空气干燥器系统的除水策略 压缩空气干燥机系统的优点 压缩空气干燥系统的应用领域

What should I do if my Bluetooth headset is dirty

 What should I do if my Bluetooth headset is dirty and what is the most effective way to clean it? I believe we all have Bluetooth headphones, so if you use it for a long time do you feel it is very dirty? Have you ever cleaned a Bluetooth headset? Do you know what to use to clean it effectively? China Headphone manufacturer and s upplierProducts include Headphone OEM,OEM Headphone,and is a leading Headphone factory in China. 1、Light cleaning - wet wipes cleaning method This method is suitable for cleaning Bluetooth headsets that are not too dirty. Wet wipes can be bought at convenience stores and supermarkets, use them to wipe back and forth along the perimeter of the headset a few times to clean it like new. Be careful, don't use too much force! Otherwise the Bluetooth headset is prone to water seepage! 2、Medium cleaning - toothpaste cleaning method Some Bluetooth headset enthusiasts prefer white models of Bluetooth headset, but with too long is not only the problem of dirty, an...